We can make whatever and QTY you like EXCLISIVE to the Angler Needs. Our Goals is to make sure Our Anglers and Pro Anglers has the best SECRET lure that no one else has in his Tackle box on the Day during a Big, Flathead, BASS, whiting, Snapper or Bream Comp.
We are not like the Rest out there POSSING OFF on FB groups we know our products lands big fish! we don’t want you to tell all on FB look at me we do Recommend you do show of your fish of BUT keep it as a Secret ( the Location, Brand, scent and Lure used) that landed your New PB Bream. Are you going to tell all were you found all your Gold Coins or Nuggets and what you used to find them with NO!
If you going to show off your bream with a brand name lure, make sure they PAY you 1st for using your Pictures or at least more FREE Gear etc., because you’re Advertising their Lures and Brand and they are getting richer and you’re getting poorer. We Pay TOP DOLLARS or give free Credit amount on our stores to our Badass Picture Anglers .